I know this is going to sound like some clickbait bullshit title, but I’m genuinely curious, asking in good faith. My two oldest sons are enamored with him, and he seems like a genuine guy, so I’m asking - is he a nice guy? If you google the question, you get a bunch of reddit hate, which I don’t always trust, because…it’s reddit. I have not watched much content (not my thing, I’m old) but I’m just curious what the fediverse has to say.

  • Ookami38
    2 years ago

    I think you have some valid points, but they all break down when you realize that, in order to continue providing the very real philanthropy he does, he HAS to have a revenue stream. And it seems like feeding his philanthropy back into the system to generate money, to do more philanthropy is a pretty good use of the systems we have in place currently.

    There are plenty of people who would do similar things, and then just pocket whatever and fade into the sunset. Mr beast is essentially doing what people always praised billionaire philanthropists but he’s doing it more, and smarter.