In a scathing op-ed, LGBTQ Nation Heroes nominee Melissa Gira Grant urges us to ask ourselves how we didn’t see someone like Johnson coming…

  • CashewNut 🏴󠁢󠁥󠁧󠁿
    236 months ago

    An American on Reddit once told me that America isn’t any more religious than the UK.

    I thought that was ridiculous. Something like 90% of septics believe in God. But in the UK it’s considered a faux pas to even mention religion with a majority being atheist at the last census. Tony Blair famously refused to admit his Christianity while in office but in the US it’s considered a requirement to state you’re Christian.

    I was genuinely fucking disturbed hearing my English step mother bang on about Jesus one Easter. That’s a common reaction in the UK to anyone talking about religion.

    America isn’t religious? Pull the other one.

    • @Chakravanti
      -116 months ago

      It’s about the wavelength. Ours is way out of spectrum on both sides.

      • @[email protected]
        266 months ago

        Both sides? What’s the “other side” in this one, people who don’t want their kids forced to pray to Jesus in school? People who don’t want to live under the Christian version of Iranian theocratic rule? Genuinely curious what you think the other side of the spectrum looks like.

        • @Chakravanti
          -216 months ago

          Anyone they target. Some people chose to be there and some don’t. Take Marylin Manson, the Satanic Temple, women in general, etc. If no one chooses to then it’s one chosen by them.

          Wavelengths function just as much in the story as it does in physics. The story is just another dimension of reality. It’s like time but we have more control over it than we do over time. The control goes more the the understanding. Knowledge is a tool like many others but just one of many such.

          If you’d like more, I’m capable of continuing but I suggest Loki S02E01, Doctor Who’s newest episode broadcast last night, Salvia Divinorum, Dextromethorphan, Therion, Xandria, and that’s not a bad start. There’s certainly more.

          • @[email protected]
            206 months ago

            This response feels like it was written by AI. Or maybe someone who has indulged in psychedelics too much and too frequently to be able to communicate ideas in a clear or concise manner.

            • @Chakravanti
              6 months ago

              Not too much. Those gave me understanding. Communication has been difficult my whole life, even before they gave me dope.

              Once you can perceive dimensions most don’t even know exist, and you have enough difficulty expressing shit “normal” people don’t understand, you have this kind of ignorance to deal with.

              Like, the bit where you’re going to think I’m insulting you and your intelligence. Wise up, those are NOT the definitions of those words. Stop playing slang like you get anything at all beyond word pukage. You will if you study history. Don’t take my word for it. Do your own research.

                • @Chakravanti
                  -46 months ago

                  About as likely as any moving neutrinos.

            • @Chakravanti
              -126 months ago

              No. I don’t get paid to say anything here. I am practicing the art of communicating things I want to help other people understand. I lack enough skill in exactly that and this platform serves well to develop it in order to accomplish my objective.

                • @Chakravanti
                  -36 months ago

                  Stop the inevitable death of all human life on earth. Inevitable, as in, within the next decade. If not the baking planet, then the bio-, tech-, software-, etc.- viruses, or the microplastics, pollutions, etc. etc. etc.

                  I have the only solution viable but in two decades of attempting to teach anyone willing to listen, only one has gotten far enough to understand the logic. I just managed to add a second one willing to listen but IDK if he understands it yet. I have had about a dozen express a willingness to learn but no one has actually finished the lesson yet. I even offer a free computer in exchange for taking the “class” and teaching me how to teach people.

                  I need to learn cuz I am, to say so mildly, unorganized in my teaching. I know this and thus offer something to anyone willing to teach me how to teach. No but a very rare few listen to origin of this logic. I want to figure out how to increase the number of those aware of the logic itself. Orders of magnitude a larger a population aware of the logic.

                  Logic becomes understood by the masses, we will easily reorganize the entire planet of society with disintegrate and rebuild itself into something that may not only survive but save life’s existence from the inevitable EOTW incoming.

                  • @[email protected]
                    26 months ago

                    Try to limit your arguments to premises that are largely independently accepted, so it’s less of a leap for people to see how you got to your conclusion.

                    You come across a bit like me 20 years ago, when I had ideas that may have had merit, but my ability to communicate and reason wasn’t at the level necessary to get others onboard.

                    Each time you make a bold jump in reasoning that isn’t perfectly supported by accepted premises, you lose some % of your readers (assuming they are interested in fact, rather than opinion).