• Paradox
    31 year ago

    Halo 5 did so much right later in it’s life. Over 220 weapons made games like fiesta absolutely amazing to play, and the PvE (warzone, warzone firefight) experience gave those of us who don’t want to sweat a fun place to play

    Then they threw it all away for infinite. And when they were called out on their crap, instead of fixing it, they added some crap to a side room at their convention and said “everyone is welcome at halofest.” Note that none of the crap they added to said convention had any impact on the game, it was things like a cosplay contest or a Q&A session that suspiciously didn’t ask any hard questions.

    • bbbbbbbbbbb
      41 year ago

      My biggest gripe with halo 5 was the lootcard system, where you could technically pay money for the best weapons and vehicles and bring them into a match were your opponents didnt have access to those same items. Its a game imbalance that should have never been implemented.

      • Paradox
        21 year ago

        It wasn’t great, but it did do somethings right, that Infinite doesn’t. Everything in Halo 5 could be earned in-game, without spending real money (barring a few announcer voices). There was even a bit of logic and a game to it; you worked through bronze, then silver, then gold. I didn’t spend a cent past the original purchase price, and after a year I had every unlock.

        Infinite? Want that nice piece of armor? Cough up $20. Missed it? Better hope it comes back sometime, otherwise you’re SoL