• @[email protected]
    381 year ago

    I’ll be very curious to see the stats start rolling in regarding any decrease in Reddit’s views, etc. since July 1. I’m still using it, but only about half as much as I did with Apollo.

    • TheSpookiestUser
      571 year ago

      I doubt we will see any big dent in numbers so soon, if at all. The brutal honest truth is that most users of Reddit are casual lurkers who just want a content feed and do not care about anything else. This is why subreddits protested as they did, interrupting the content feed with blackouts and extremely niche rules.

      What may actually happen is that a lot of the content creators leave, which will decrease the quality of the site in the long term and maybe push out the casual user when the content gets bad enough. This is not something easily quantifiable, so we’ll just have to wait and see.

      But personally, I’m ok even if reddit isn’t toppled. Now that I’ve stopped using it, I have no stake in the matter anymore.

      • RandomStickman
        111 year ago

        Yeah. In the beginning I’m rooting for the death of reddit but now that I’ve weaned myself off of it I just don’t give a shit any more. They can rake in billions, or they can crumble tomorrow. I’m elsewhere and I feel fine.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        If, you are correct that…

        most users of Reddit are casual lurkers who just want a content feed and do not care about anything else.

        And, a lot of the content creators and content moderators leave, decreasing the quality of the content on reddit.

        Then, these lurkers will leave the platform.

        I don’t see why these folks would stay on reddit if the content decreases in quality. Especially, if we are assuming these lurkers do nothing to contribute to the content they are consuming.

        It’s interesting, you actually provided great evidence which counters your original claim that reddit will not be affected by all of this bad publicity.

        • TheSpookiestUser
          41 year ago

          The point of contention which is why I believe as above is that the standards of most people still on reddit are fairly low. Reddit has been going downhill for years, this much is known; it’s only now, with this latest screw up, that I, (assumedly) you, and many others have decided to jump ship. I, personally, willfully ignored much of the enshittification of reddit, content that I could use third party tools and apps to make up for it’s deficiencies; now that reddit is showing they don’t care about us and are tearing down those tools, I’m gone.

          But for many others, they don’t care about any of the current goings on. Many do not even understand how the site actually works, confusing mods with admins as the same thing and not even getting that a sub could shut down (I was a mod, and saw many pieces of mod mail that amounted to “why can’t I see posts here help”). Their standards for how bad things can get until they’ll make a change in their browsing habits are surprisingly resilient.

      • @Corkyskog
        21 year ago

        You can’t talk about the long term outlook of Reddit in a vacuum though. The biggest thing that will lead to Reddits downfall is if something like Lemmy actually replaces it. People won’t stop using reddit and do nothing. They will stop using reddit to move to another platform though.

    • @[email protected]
      41 year ago

      I deleted my account, I still browse on desktop but I won’t interact.

      I’m glad RES lets you block subreddits even if logged out, because there’s some real shitholes which appear if you aren’t logged in

    • @[email protected]
      41 year ago

      I’m only using Reddit on Safari now that Apollo is gone and, even then, my use has been minimal since the blackout last month.

      It will be slow, but Reddit’s death will be fine for me. I will definitely miss the smaller, niche communities, but I think they’ll all find a way to carry on either through Lemmy, et al, or whatever rises from there.

      Reddit’s decisions, from investing in NFTs to letting go of Victoria way back when, have all been contributing to the inevitable, but when the content providers leave - and they are - the site will just collapse. My schadenfreude lies in Reddit never even realizing its IPO after all this drama.

    • @[email protected]
      31 year ago

      I only use it when I’m on desktop. Their mobile app isn’t bad in my opinion, but I just refuse to give them my data.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      you can see the posts/comments per day on this site:


      there was definitely a dip, but there seems to always be a dip on weekends and with it being a holiday in the US it is hard to say how much that is affecting usage

      Wednesday should be the first ‘normal’ day since July 1st so I’ll be interested to see how much it recovers