Just looking for other answers to this.
How do you know that you know anything? How do you know you can rely on your senses? (As in: I know the rock exists because I can see the rock. How do you know you can see it?)
If knowledge is reliant upon our senses and reasoning (which it is), and we can’t know for sure that our senses are reasoning are valid, then how can we know anything?
So is all knowledge based on faith?
If all knowledge is based on faith, then is science reliable?
If all knowledge is based on faith, then what about ACTUAL faith? Why is it so illogical?
Solipsism vs Nihilism
Solipsism claims that we know our own mind exists, where Nihilism claims we don’t know that anything exists.
Your thoughts?
Original from reddit
You know what the good thing about science is? You change your “faith” every time there is a new discovery. Science is subject to change and is based on hard cold evidence, unlike faith.