Gaza is run by Sunni Muslims who live there. Auschwitz was not run by the Jews who were held there. Israel does not prevent anyone from leaving the Gaza Strip. Germany prevented Jews from leaving the camps.
“Since 2007, Israeli authorities have, with narrow exceptions, banned Palestinians from leaving through Erez, the passenger crossing from Gaza into Israel, through which they can reach the West Bank and travel abroad via Jordan. Israel also prevents Palestinian authorities from operating an airport or seaport in Gaza. Israeli authorities also sharply restrict the entry and exit of goods.”
Gaza Strip Demographics - 98-99% Sunni Muslim.
Israel Demographics - 73.6% Jewish, 18.1% Muslim, 1.9% Christian, 1.6% Druze, 4.8% Misc.
Only one of those is an apartheid state, and its not Israel. Stop spreading Hamas propaganda.
Auschwitz’s population was almost entirely Jewish, does that make it a pro Jewish apartheid state?
The Warsaw ghetto is a better comparison tbh
Gaza is run by Sunni Muslims who live there. Auschwitz was not run by the Jews who were held there. Israel does not prevent anyone from leaving the Gaza Strip. Germany prevented Jews from leaving the camps.
Do you see the difference?
The sunni Muslims were forced into Gaza and Israel did prevent them from leaving until very recently and only very limited
Where’d you get that info? Al Jazeera?
It isn’t as extreme as auschwitz, but it is happening.
They seem to be living up to their username.