I have no idea what breed she’s supposed to be. The neighbor we got her from said silky, but I know that isn’t right. Only chickens I’ve ever had anything to do with were leghorns and reds at my uncle’s place. And she’s definitely not either of those.

She’s about 3 months old, enjoys scratching, pecking, rubs behind the head, and eating bugs.

I still can’t believe I got suckered into this lol. But the neighbor wasn’t taking care of his birds at all, and this one got sent to what was supposed to be a petting zoo, but turned out to be just a damn open field next to a highway with a three foot high fence and all kinds of nastiness. Which is a whole thing by itself now. May end up housing some goats if the place gets shut down

But, anyway, the neighbor got her back because I threatened him with heavy metal all day and night if he didn’t. Which is an ongoing joke, not an actual threat.

Really chill compared to the longhorns I had to feed though. Those biddies were bossy and prone to pecking ankles. This girl just hangs around us, then follows me though the yard while I’m piddling. Occasionally flaps at the back door until one of us gives her some attention, then goes back to scratching and petting.

With her being more of an adoptee/pet type of situation, she’s got the tentative name of Sesame because she liked the sound of it when we were joking about calling her by chicken food names. I said Sesame and she got all perky and jumped on my lap. I guess it’s the sibilance.

Anyway, she’s not a working bird, and not anything unusual, but I figured y’all might get a laugh out of some idiot taking in a bird like this

  • MapleEngineer@lemmy.caM
    1 year ago

    Just a warning…this is only the beginning. Next she’ll be lonely for other chicken company so we should get one or two more. Then, we could use a few more eggs so we should get three or four more. Suddenly, like me, you’ll have an entire flock.