He’s definitely family :) I don’t throw the term brother around lightly, but he’s more than worthy of that title
He’s definitely family :) I don’t throw the term brother around lightly, but he’s more than worthy of that title
Like it or not, it is a widely known fact that the exact things you said are instance bannable.
The instance rules as they exist are explained in multiple places, and it is our choice as users to either follow them or stay away. If we choose to do neither of those, banning is the only real tool an admin has with current lemmy development. If there were other options available, and the instance ban was applied as a first step, I’d say PTB (though it would be PTA in this case).
Seriously, I get that the world as a whole, and each given language has to figure out what is and isn’t a gender, what is and isn’t going to become part of the consensus of a language. I have my own opinion about that line, but this isn’t the venue for that.
But that instance, they have drawn their line, and did so last year, before the events in these screen shots. It’s like travelling to another US state, there are going to be some laws that differ, and it’s the travelers responsibility to follow them even if they disagree with them, or there are consequences.
I get it, I do. But, I’m sorry, this is absolutely on you.
Anything that triggers the right chemicals in the brain can turn into an addiction. You have to treat it like one. Which is supposedly the point of this kind of community, but it looks like there’s not enough presence on lemmy for other addicts to have run across this yet.
Which means that you gotta take what I’m about to say with a grain of salt, because I’ve never experienced that addiction.
I have, however, stopped using porn, and haven’t sought it out in years. Which, the why isn’t important, but if you think it might help, I’ll share that.
That doesn’t mean I’ve stopped masturbating, and I definitely didn’t stop having sex.
When I need external stimulation (as in not things already in my head), I reach for erotica. Yeah, it’s slower paced and doesn’t jump into the action. That’s a good thing. The process of reading, letting it build up, it works to break the connection between seeing something and arousal. You might be able to reconnect with your inner world that way, allowing you to at least take small breaks from porn while you’re seeking addiction counseling.
Some folks have opposite eye dominance than their hand dominance.
I do, and I carry for left hand draw despite being a righty for almost everything else.
There’s also situational benefits to carrying off-hand, though I seriously doubt they apply here. It’s just so much more likely that he shoots lefty and does other things righty.
That being said, handguns are typically a back-up, or emergency weapon, as opposed to long guns that are meant to be your primary arms. Some drivers will carry lefty even if they’re right eye dominant because if they need to shoot while driving; having the dominant hand on the wheel is more important. Same for people that might need to operate other machinery while shooting. Like I said, very situational.
Joke reason : he’s a radical leftist, where else would he carry?
This picture looks like an SNL spoof of this picture
Yup, they definitely provide great service.
I’m honorary gay! I used to have a challenge coin that said so lol.
To be fair, me and my best friend originally bought this house together.
He’s gay, I’m not.
Special circumstances though; my dad owned it, and fucked up, so we bought it to both help him and keep the house in the family.
And, we shared a single room for half the time he lived here because it was the family home, and my mom and sister still lived here.
We also shared rooms when we lived elsewhere, because single rooms were cheaper to rent, and in one case we preferred using the second room for a combo mini library/storage space.
A lot of people thought we were a couple. And, I guess, it could be argued that we were if you stretch the meaning far enough.
Only if you like it >!up your ass!<
Noooooo! Really? You coulda fooled me!
Been there, multiple times.
Just don’t bother city safelite if cost is a concern. They do good work, fast, but damn it is expensive compared to anyone else, with the caveat that safelite is usually same day, or the next.
Oh, gods, so many things.
A few years ago, I quit smoking. That’s a massive savings, and I splurged on a few things that I’ve never been able to justify, as a reward to help fill the gaps smoking left.
One of those things was a set of decent headphones, beyerdynamics, alongside a fairly decent phone with the ability to drive them, an lgg7 (those and the g8s really are great).
One of the songs that really made me glad I got the gear is “if we were vampires” by Jason Isbell. He’s a bit of a dick, but an amazing songwriter. That song has a thermamin in it that I had never heard before. It’s this haunting note, bending in and out of the more traditional instruments and his voice, and I had never heard it despite loving the song for quite some time (it’s brutal, in the best way).
That’s the song that sticks out the most, as showing exactly how much difference even entry level gear can make with music.
My ears aren’t “sharp” enough to benefit from the really top end audiophile stuff, and I know that because I’ve had a chance to try stuff out. Past a point, there’s just no difference to my ears. But I can, just barely pick up differences in something like a flac file vs an mp3, even on cheap gear. On my stuff that I have now, it’s easier to detect.
Since then, I’ve gone through all my favorite music, multiple times, and there was so much I had missed.
It might not matter to everyone, regardless of being able to tell there’s a difference. As my sister says, “why should I care, it’s just music to pump while I drive”. Which is perfectly valid, imo. But if you really do want to immerse yourself into music, it’s worth a few hundred bucks
Have mercy.
It has been a largely uneventful week. Well, uneventful for chickens.
Big guy is maintaining this amazing balance between being my best bud, having a torrid affair with my shoes, and battling the bags that treats come in.
See, back when the hurricane came through, he was stuck on the porch while we cleared space for the crate inside. The winds got high enough to blow the door open, and almost off its hinges. This let the wind tear through things like a demented squirrel. If you don’t think a demented squirrel is capable of destruction on a massive scale, well, Ray Stevens can correct that.
Anyway, one of the food bags was plastic and got stuck to the crate, wedged between the bars. It was flapping and rattling.
So, now, plastic bags are his nemesis. Like most roosters, that which scares him must be annihilated. It’s both amazing and sad, but roosters in general, and our walking soup supply in particular, they don’t often get to “turn off”. They live in this state of readiness to fight, to maybe die for their flock. They’re dumb as bricks, but there’s still this single-minded ferocity that they’re capable of that’s impressive.
Which makes his conflict over treat bags interesting. Most of the time, I just put the treats in a container that isn’t a bag at all, but sometimes they’re dirty.
So, when I pull that bag out of the pocket, he’s torn, frozen between knowing that’s the pocket I carry treats in; and hearing the plastic. Which, wouldn’t be a thing, but I ain’t carrying dried bugs loose in my pockets.
Anyway, when it is necessary, he’ll stand there frozen, his wattles and comb turning redder and redder until his rage spills over into his might roar, which sounds roughly like an angry teakettle.
I’ll call his name in my sweet voice, and that just snaps him out of it. Sometimes, he’ll go apeshit instead and attack the bag. But that’s been getting rarer as time passes.
Which loops me back to all of them. I talk to my feathered friends. My normal speaking voice is baritone, and kinda rumbly. So, when I’m talking to them, I use my sweet voice. It’s basically just a falsetto, but I’ve developed a separate way of doing it for each one, and they all recognize who I’m talking to now, even the volunteer hen. I didn’t realize I was doing it until my wife and kid brought it to my attention.
With my marans girl, it’s something she almost demands. She’ll pace back and forth across my lap until I talk to her a little, and then she’ll settle down, swish her tail feathers and coo at me in return.
Latte, the volunteer hen, isn’t as sociable. However, when I start using the voice that’s hers, she’ll come strutting out of the brush, or flapping out of her tree and start scolding me for not having the treats in her belly by magic. She’s a gentle scolder though, very mild baaaawwwwks, coupled with a few buck-buck-bucks.
The rooster though? If he’s down, he freezes up and tilts his head to the side, and watches me while I’m talking. He then struts around, looking for things to pick up and put down. When he finds a choice stick or pebble, he presents it by picking it up and putting it down repeatedly while tuk-tuking. He’s like a popcorn maker if it was fluffy and majestic.
But I’ll praise him in my sweet voice, and he gets so damn happy. “Oh, I see that stick, that’s such a good stick.”, and he just bobs and struts around.
If I’m holding him, especially if I’m sitting and holding him, he’s started extending his neck and crooning, because he knows what’s coming. Neck scritches!
I dunno if I’ve mentioned it before, but I deal with some PTSD issues. Sometimes, this rooster, the way he’s always on alert, waiting for the next hawk or coyote or whatever, it hurts my heart a little. For the first year he was with us, that was his life. That’s all I ever saw him be. And then, just back in early winter, he stopped being like that when I’d bring him on the porch when it would be too cold. And he started relaxing, and when it happens, and all that tension flows out of him while I pet him, it’s a beautiful thing to me.
I know it’s projection, but seeing him able to set aside his instincts for a little bit and just take some love, it makes me feel closer to him. Just two assholes sitting there together and letting everything fall away.
Not just from that, no.
At some point, if there’s no underlying problem, the co2 levels in the blood will get high enough the involuntary system kicks in and you’ll take a breath, which will keep going.
Now, there are health conditions that can interfere with that, and something environmental might cause a problem, but assuming none of that is the case, all those good samaritans did was make it happen sooner.
You can choke someone out, and they’ll still breathe eventually.
If you “Burke” someone, that’s a different story, but even then it’s still possible for the autonomic breathing to kick back in.
Look, I’m not saying there’s going to be jizz everywhere, but there’s going to be jizz enough places that it might as well be everywhere.
Watch out for ceiling fans and vacuum cleaners
Seven months?
The baby was just fine.
By 3, they can support themselves enough for safety in that kind of setup.
Not that nothing bad can happen, it’s just not likely.
For real, even under 3 months, you’ll see some ability to move the head around as it gets closer to that mark.
Assuming you’re accurate about the baby being at least 7 months, those little buggers wobble around all the time they can. The whole world is vibrant and unfiltered for the most part, so it isn’t too unusual for one to get fixated in one direction either because there’s something interesting, or to take a break from looking around.
Definitely not anything to worry about.
It’s the same as it has been for years.
You either pick your flavor of Firefox fork, or your flavor of chrome fork. That’s it, that’s the options unless you can use safari, which isn’t exactly an improvement.
There’s supposedly some stuff coming that isn’t a fork of other things, but there’s no telling if or when it’ll be available and useful.
If it wasn’t Stanford-Binet or Wechsler, ignore it entirely.
86 is well within functional levels.
There’s absolutely no reason anyone would ask you for an IQ score to get a job (unless you’re a cop, and then they want it low anyway). That’s partly because it’s instilled useless info, and partly because most people don’t know theirs.
Seriously, IQ scores don’t mean much at all. The only real use for them is for people with learning disabilities, to help guide them to appropriate resources. That’s it. If you’re in the normative range, it’s a useless number. It’s essentially a waste of your time to have taken it.
Besides, you can have genius number IQs, and it doesn’t mean shit either. There’s so many other factors that matter in terms of what you can and can’t do that even at the highest possible scores, it won’t give you an automatic advantage in everything.
One down, plenty to go!
The great molasses flood.
Definitely a trilogy in that story.
Could do a spin off of other sugary floods: honey, cola syrup, maple syrup, diabetic pee, you name it!