• @[email protected]
    6 months ago

    I have played all the bethesda games since Morrowind (I even beat that!) except Fallout 76 or whatever it was called. I figured it had to have something going for it. I would play for an hour here and there and just be like meh. I am still kinda meh on it but at least I have some understanding of the path the main story wants to drive me in now… It’s a shit story but I figured I will do the main story and see how I feel about the game. As it is, the main story is barely enough to keep me coming back. Also my friend spoiled a major plot point for me and I want to see how that comes about (main character death or something haha)

    • Skua
      46 months ago

      That makes sense. Glad you got something out of it in the end. I’ve long been a fan of the Elder Scrolls games and was cautiously optimistic about Starfield, liked the gritty but optimistic aesthetic and the idea of going out to find the little side stories that made me love the Elder Scrolls games. Looks like I might need to keep waiting a bit though

      • @[email protected]
        36 months ago

        From what I can tell, it’s difficult to actually make a choice in Starfield. It’s like you can do something or choose not to but any shades of choice are very dim.

    • @[email protected]
      36 months ago

      Hey hey whooa now! Don’t go bashing FO76 too hard. It’s actually a proper game now and I legitimately enjoyed it once they updated and fixed issues. Unlike the direction Starfield is going where they seem to be blaming everyone else.