Hello everyone! I’m about to become a parent in a few months and I was wondering what books would you recommend reading to get myself prepared. Is there a new parents bible or something like It? The baby won’t come with instructions. Thanks!
Hello everyone! I’m about to become a parent in a few months and I was wondering what books would you recommend reading to get myself prepared. Is there a new parents bible or something like It? The baby won’t come with instructions. Thanks!
I really liked these:
I also liked the Instagram accounts heysleepybaby (sleep), nicolecruzrd (food habits), and solidstarts (6m+ feeding). I use the CDC Milestones app just to reassure myself that my baby isn’t falling behind on anything, though my doctor asks all the important questions at our checkups too.
But most importantly, don’t take anything written in a book or online as gospel (they’re always very opionated/biased). Pick the parts you like and that feel right to you. Also, I skipped chapters a lot, I got tired of reading like 5 chapters trying to convince me to read the book when I was already reading it.
Lastly, just communicate as much as possible with your partner (if you have one), and be kind to yourself and to them. Babies don’t need instruction manuals, and despite how much is written about them, you’ll probably forget most of it. But any decisions you make should be made together, because very few strategies work if only one caregiver is committed to it.