• @mindbleach
    84 months ago

    That’s downplaying how Sony tried forcing everyone to switch, once they’d already bought UMDs. They just could not stop themselves from fucking over their own customers. Buy a PSP! It needs Sony’s special memory cards. No, extra-special ones, not the kind your Sony digital cameras use. Upgrade your PSP! Fuck you, buy new memory cards. Yeah it’s the same shape, but it’s special-er, you peasant. Upgrade your PSP again! And throw out all your games, because we didn’t include a slot this time! It’s all on the memory card, and of course you have to buy a new one, from us, specifically for this single gizmo, priced like it’s made out of gold recovered from deep-water shipwrecks.

    If they’d just launched with forced internet connectivity it might be a different story. God knows the OG PSP never spent long without getting leashed to a wall, so yet another game could forcibly install new firmware, once your battery reached exactly 100.0% charge.

    • @Patches
      4 months ago

      All of those changes were to prevent the absolutely rampant piracy.

      Source: I was a rampant pirate who spread the word better than a Jehovah’s Witness.

      • @mindbleach
        44 months ago

        The forced updates were definitely to prevent piracy… and didn’t work.

        The new kinds of Memory Stick were naked rampant greed.

      • kratoz29
        24 months ago

        Source: I was a rampant pirate who spread the word better than a Jehovah’s Witness.

        LMAO, yeah, same for me, maybe that is why I never see the problem with the GO but the downgrade design/ergonomics.