Happy new year everyone! 🚀

Hi, I’m Ryan 👋🏼 I am passionate about lifestyle gamification 🎮 and I am obsesssssssss with learning things that can help me live a happy and fulfilling life.

Did you know that around 80% of people fail to keep their New Year’s resolutions by February.

People struggle to stick to their new habits.

Let’s change that 💥

❌ Why Resolutions Fail:

  1. Identity Crisis: Uncover the “why” behind your goals. It’s not about generic aims; it’s about becoming someone you admire. Example: Ditch the “healthy” reason for quitting alcohol; focus on being a good parent
  2. Consistency Struggles: Three macro reasons why people fail to stay consistent: people are overwhelmed and uncomfortable; people are not setting goals properly; people don’t have a daily action and value system

✅ Two Steps to Make 2024 Your Best Year:

  1. Define Your Identity: Study those you admire, list their values, and craft your identity
  2. Turn abstract identities into concrete daily actions: Focus on quarterly resets, not yearly goals
    1. List out all the areas in life that matter to you
    2. For each area in life, list out 1 - 3 OUTCOME / OUTPUT goals that align with your identity
    3. For each outcome / output goal, set 2 things: a) checkpoints and b) input goals
    4. Organise all your input goals into weekly, monthly, and quarterly
    5. Take out your calendar and map out all the daily and weekly input goals
    6. Monitor your checkpoints at the end of each week to see if you are on track or not. If not, what changes should you make next week to get back on track
    7. Repeat step 1 - 6

Here’s one of my goals for Q1 2024:
Area: Character Building
One of the outcome / output goals: Read 15 non-fiction books
Checkpoint(s): Read around 1 - 2 non-fiction books per week
Input goal(s): Read an hour per day
Calendar view: I read 5:30am - 6:30am everyday. If this doesn’t happen, I will shift the reading block to another time in the day
Weekly reflection: How many books have I read this week? Any changes for next week?

You can find more information at this week’s newsletter: https://ryanocm.substack.com/p/098-i-have-read-100-productivity

Happy learning,
