In a Wall Street Journal op-ed published in 2021, two of the Moores’ lawyers also declared unambiguously that the lawsuit “stands to slam shut the door on a federal wealth tax like the one Sen. Elizabeth Warren wants to enact.” They made a direct pitch to “the courts” to hear the Moores’ case “now” to make it easier to block a wealth tax in the future.

  • Xariphon
    11 year ago

    Where’s the whining about “overreach” now?


    Crickets and hypocrisy?

    Thought so.

    • HandsHurtLoL
      01 year ago

      What do you mean by this comment? The fact the court might hear a case on the premise that it would stymy future legislation is completely unorthodox and not within the purview of the court. That is overreach, by definition.

      • Xariphon
        11 year ago

        I mean that it’s usually right-wingers whining about overreach, but when it’s their assholes doing it for their fascist agenda all of a sudden they go silent, which is (unsurprisingly) flagrant hypocrisy.