    -16 months ago

    i couldn’t even make it to obama’s second term.

    close gitmo
    universal healthcare
    student debt forgiveness

    all lies.

    • the post of tom joad
      -36 months ago

      Oh yeah, but you can’t overestimate how much prop we get shoved down our throats. Kinda like McDs you don’t realize how shit it is for your system until you stop eating it daily

      • HACKthePRISONS
        -16 months ago

        i don’t judge you for it, not really. i have friends who voted for hillary, and friends who voted for biden, and, hell, i voted for shapiro for AG ***AND*** governor even though i thought his AG term made him out to be a liar and a cop.

        i’m not voting for him for president, though. fuck that.