• @sanpedropeddler
    61 year ago

    That’s not a rule to get around, its called respecting your partners wishes. Its a basic common decency regardless of how many partners you have.

      • @sanpedropeddler
        61 year ago

        It does not impact your freedoms. Its not like you literally can’t cheat, you just cant cheat and continue a relationship with them. Everyone has their own terms. Yeah, if you can’t handle not cheating, then don’t date a person that wants a monogamous relationship. It doesn’t mean its “inferior”, it just means you don’t want it. Grow up.

          • @sanpedropeddler
            31 year ago

            You are acting childish because you are claiming relationships you don’t like are automatically inferior to those you do like. I don’t care what kind of relationship you prefer, its irrelevant. Yes. Grow up.

              • @sanpedropeddler
                21 year ago

                There is nothing to prove you wrong with because its an opinion. I never said you were wrong, its just overzealous to declare your opinion as the ultimate truth. I have said this multiple times, I absolutely do not give a shit about your opinion on relationships. You have made it overwhelmingly clear that your opinion isn’t worth much anyway. Not to mention the fact that I haven’t even stated my opinion on the subject yet. The truth is, I don’t even know what relationship style I prefer. I’ve only tried one, so instead of declaring myself benevolent dictator of love to feel like I’m worth something, I accept that I have limited experience with the subject. If you haven’t gotten the point yet, then there isn’t much I can do to help you. Based on how you act, I’m guessing you’re very young, so hopefully you’ll figure it out when you actually do grow up.

              • @LizardKing
                11 year ago


                Wow, you really don’t know what words mean, do you? Not surprising since you sound like a toddler.

                If you ever actually experience your first relationship you’ll learn why literally every word you’re spouting is complete bullshit.

          • @LizardKing
            1 year ago

            But more partners = more rules

            Do you even believe the bullshit you’re spewing?

          • @LizardKing
            11 year ago

            “Children can’t handle different opinions”

            Oh the irony is fucking delicious.

            You’re dead wrong about everything, sorry, thanks for playing. Grow up.

      • L/nerd
        31 year ago

        So what you’re telling me is that you have conditions for your relationships?

      • @LizardKing
        1 year ago

        Lmao yeah that’s totally why you’re single. Keep telling yourself that.