• @Kecessa
    6 months ago

    Better than not voting and ending up with a lot of genocide… Or maybe you want to go tell the people of Gaza that you’re an accelerationist and just had to let things become worse in order for them to potentially get better?

    • @[email protected]
      6 months ago

      I see… Voting in support of the current genocide is an act of compassion. Right.

      As if voting blue, red, or not at all are the only options. I’m voting for the person who I decide deserves my vote. Not in support of the status quo.

      • AnonTwo
        26 months ago

        I assume you’ve put forth a lot of grassroot efforts in the many years in advance to give your group relevance right? You wouldn’t just make a meaningless vote to someone with no realistic chance in order to posture right?

      • @Kecessa
        06 months ago

        And thanks to people like you, the group that holds itself together the most (the right) has more chances to win.

        You hate the current system? That’s perfectly fine! It’s still the system by which rules you need to play may you like it or not!

      • HACKthePRISONS
        -26 months ago

        I’m leaning towards Cornel West but Jill Stein can still win me back. do you have a preference there?