Roughly 1,800 people are being put out of work, but hey, at least the share price is going up.

  • donuts
    1066 months ago

    Bring in a billion dollars of investor money.

    Hire thousands and thousands of employees.

    Spend way more than you bring in every year.

    Hire some shitty CEO with a terrible track record. Pay him way too much money.

    Become desperate for cash and think of ways to milk your users dry.

    Get rid of bad CEO and pay him even more money.

    Then when all that backfires and you’ve further tanked your reputation you go back to the drawing board and realize the only option to cut losses is to fire half your staff, or more.

    And that’s the story of Unity3d.

        • @[email protected]
          66 months ago

          I’d argue not quite.

          Enshittification is taking a good product or service and actively making it worse in the name of money.

          Play stupid games…implies you’re doing something bad from the start and are going to eventually suffer consequences. No good starts with this.

          • @[email protected]
            -46 months ago

            NOOOOO, not the definition of the words, the frequency to which they are parroted in EVERY THREAD

        • @[email protected]
          6 months ago

          Because the fastest and easiest way to make the line go up is to cut costs, and the fastest ways to cut costs are to cut corners on your product, or cut your staff. Both of these action only produce a brief “line go up” moment before their consequences cause line to go back down. But you’re a line go up guy, and you know just what to do, cut more corner! Reduce more overhead! The problem is that eventually you won’t be able to cut anymore corners, or reduce any more overhead, and then the whole house of cards comes tumbling down.