• @[email protected]
    -286 months ago

    So kill the Internet I guess 🤷‍♂️?

    People do this to themselves. They CHOOSE to stay indoors and play games. They CHOOSE to binge Netflix instead of volunteering. They order delivery instead of going to the restaurant.

    And it’s because it’s easier to sit at home. It’s easier to bitch on lemmy then going out and working with your local community, going to local events, and getting up and being social.

    It’s easier to sit at home and just be angry and bitch at the world through a screen.

    • @[email protected]
      86 months ago

      I get your point here, but even if a person goes against these norms, they still struggle to find other people to interact with. The problem isn’t just digital either, the way we build our society impacts this as well. For example, you are far less likely to have a conversation with a car next to you in traffic than someone next to you on the sidewalk or on public transit.

      • @[email protected]
        56 months ago

        Hey now, there was some important trolling going on here. Why you gotta come in here with a reasonable take?

    • insomniac_lemon
      46 months ago

      I would say there are a lot of factors. Lack of: money, energy/health, transportation/infrastructure, destinations, time etc.

      Anecdotal, but I live in a very small town/village in the US, I’m close to a trail so I got a (weak/cheap+has gears) eBike and I didn’t even have it for 4 months before the trail closed for renovations… and 6 months later it still is so I haven’t left the house since then. Granted it was more of an activity/utility thing but it was still good mentally and I was still getting into it.

      Also see something like Bowling Alone, you probably aren’t going to be very social even at a sit-down restaurant as most people probably don’t see it as a social thing (aside from maybe the main counter at a bar/diner and even that is subject to unreliable factors).

    • m-p{3}
      6 months ago

      This is a simplistic view of the problem without consideration for introvert vs extrovert. Not everyone is able to open up to others as easily. Even though the Internet ceased to exist, this doesn’t make it any easier for the introverts.