Hello fellow patient gamers, this is a cheeky self-plug for [email protected], a community I’ve created to post limited-time full-game free giveaways. The reward for being patient is that sometimes you get freebies; post them here if you spot them first, or comment to say whether it’s a must play for everyone or if zero cost is still too expensive!

  • @casualhippo
    31 year ago

    tl:dr; rss is a standard format for updates (think title, description, link). Think about rss updates as emails and an rss reader as an email inbox

    • @yata
      31 year ago

      How and where do you subscribe to rss?

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        You can use one of the bunch of RSS feed readers to do that. I haven’t use it for years (basically since I lost everything I had on Google reader) so I cannot recommend you any apps