It was and still is hard - or at least tedious - for me as a software developer to find out how to use the fediverse and lemmy. I can’t imagine how annoying it must be for a normal user. The one thing I really liked about reddit, is that you can find a well written guide for everything, often pinned at the top of a specific sub. Is there something like that anywhere?

  • @relative_iterator
    31 year ago

    Stuff like the user guides took time in reddit. Besides that though, Lemmy isn’t really ready for mainstream yet. They are performance issues and significant features missing. Things will get better eventually though and it will become more mainstream over time.

    • speck
      21 year ago

      I wish more people appreciated the adventure of it all. It’s not like most of the content is absolutely necessary for our daily functioning. Whether I spend an hour learning about the fediverse or looking at a stream of “rule” posts, my life won’t be diminished.