The Beijing institute developed the technique to crack an iPhone’s encrypted device log to identify the numbers and emails of senders who share AirDrop content, the city’s judicial bureau said in an online post. Police have identified multiple suspects via that method, the agency said, without disclosing if anyone was arrested. “It improves the efficiency and accuracy of case-solving and prevents the spread of inappropriate remarks as well as potential bad influences,” the bureau said.

Further read:

  • @[email protected]
    76 months ago

    You know who actually has real deals with Apple (CIA shell company)? Something something Snowden Assange PRISM FISA gag…

    China is not the problem. If you think USA Freedom™ companies are so moral, then why do USA companies not stop business with China and pay back over a trillion dollars worth of debt? Or how about letting Assange free in “western democracy”, or Snowden out of Russia with zero risk of getting JFK’d?

    • Night Monkey
      16 months ago

      I agree. I’m just referring to China since this article is. They claim they figured it out but really they already have the keys to the backdoor. It was a requirement that Apple provided it to China before Apple devices could be sold in China.

      • @[email protected]
        56 months ago

        To me it seems more like a custom for US/West tech cos to engage in this spying behaviour, as they themselves also benefit from it (ads -> capitalism -> money + data for AI + helping insurance cos and FICO/VantageScore), besides their 3 letter daddies. The “China!” thing is hogwash, because China is engaging in basically the same or lesser surveillance practices as 5/9/14 Eyes governments for much lesser time.

    • Aatube
      6 months ago

      CIA shell company? Hah, as if they’d base all their logistics in China. Nobody said the USA was better.