• @[email protected]
    -36 months ago

    I’ve been saying for a long time that Nintendo clearly buys back and destroys unsold first party stock. That’s why you can go search for a first party GameCube game and you’ll be paying out the ass for a used copy. I guess it’s their way of keeping their games popular and not have unopened copies all over the place

    • TAG
      76 months ago

      That is a very bold assertion.

      I just assume that the Nintendo first party games tend to sell well and sell for a long time, so when they stop getting manufactured, they all sell out and still have a bit of demand left that scoops up used copies. They are not making Madden or Call of Duty, which sell well for a year and then everyone is looking to sell last year’s version.

    • @[email protected]
      26 months ago

      The GameCube really didn’t sell that well. They produced less stock overall, thus less supply compared with other systems like PS2.

      When comparing with the ps2 specifically, it gets even more skewed as new ps2 games were still being made and released years after the ps3 came out. Not just new copies, but entirely new games.