• @[email protected]
    276 months ago

    If only either political party in America agreed…

    We’re stuck with only a small slice of Dems that even acknowledge our system is fucked.

    • @[email protected]
      6 months ago

      We’re stuck with only a small slice of Dems that even acknowledge our system is fucked.

      Which explains why Bernie Sanders got sacked in their presidential primaries, twice.

      • @[email protected]
        6 months ago

        That was vague, my bad.

        I might meant a small slice of dem politicians.

        Voters of the Dem party and independents largely support healthcare reform, and even a good amount of Republicans.

        But the party keeps supporting incumbents who don’t represent their voters.

        Just a bunch of old politicians deciding it’s best for all of them to stay in power because they know better than voters.

        • @[email protected]
          6 months ago

          That was vague, my bad.

          I [meant] a small slice of dem politicians.

          Oh, that was understood.

          And what I meant was that the party itself orchestrated his sacking.

        • Reality Suit
          16 months ago

          No problem. I have made the comment about both sides suck and it doesn’t matter before. It really feels that way all the time. I have said before : Republicans act like they care.

        • TigrisMorte
          -36 months ago

          The winner of the Primary being supported by the Party is how it is supposed to work. And regardless of your purity and infallibility, there shall remain only two candidates with a viable chance. If fools whining doesn’t damage Biden too much, the winner shall be he. But whine enough and you may suppress turn out enough to elect Fat Joffrey again.

          • @[email protected]
            6 months ago

            But whine enough and you may suppress turn out enough to elect Fat Joffrey again.

            I could say the same about whiny Democratic partisans trying to pin the blame on leftists yet again despite continuing to offer fuck-all as incentives. “Fuck you, vote for us because you have no real choice” is hardly motivating, assholes!

            • TigrisMorte
              -26 months ago

              Not a Dem. Just actually paid attention and don’t want fools throwing us to the greater evil simply because they didn’t get their way.

              • Sybil
                06 months ago

                Anther fantasy about what was stated in an attempt to ignore it as you’ve no leg to stand upon.

          • @[email protected]
            26 months ago

            The winner of the Primary being supported by the Party is how it is supposed to work


            Unfortunately the party has that backwards, and a judge agreed with them.

            The winner of the primary is whoever they want it to be. They can influence as much as they want, because at the end of a day it doesn’t even matter who wins the primary. Legally a bunch of unelected donor connected people can name whoever they want.

            But I don’t think I want to get roped in a conversation with you based on your post history

            • TigrisMorte
              -26 months ago

              False. While they may wield undue influence, there is nothing remotely “rigged” about it.

              My post history is one of treating folks as they treat me. I understand why you don’t wish to have a conversation as you’ve not a leg to stand on, but the only person that could possibly rope you into one is you.

          • Zorque
            16 months ago

            Ignore “whining” and just assume that Biden is a perfect being with no flaws, and you drive people away.

            I will vote for Biden if I have to. That doesn’t mean I have to accept him as a paragon of progressivism and support for the people. He is, at best a flawed man with flawed ideals. At median he’s a symptom of stagnating politicians scared to lose power.

            Refusing to acknowledge that and force him to better both himself and his party for the sake of the people just leads to more disillusionment and failure.

            I will vote for him, but only because he’s the only option I’m given. I will still push for him to support people and not a political narrative.

            • TigrisMorte
              -16 months ago

              Anther fantasy about what was stated in an attempt to ignore it as you’ve no leg to stand upon.

    • Reality Suit
      46 months ago

      And you keep going with them or whomever is fighting for the people.

      • @[email protected]
        146 months ago

        Vote with your heart in the primary, and your brain in the general.

        Which is why it sucks so much we don’t get primaries every election.

        People are literally dying from inaction in America, and we really don’t have any say it.

        • TigrisMorte
          -26 months ago

          Be careful with that. It was the infighting that kept people home in 2016.

          • FuglyDuck
            76 months ago

            No it wasn’t. It was the DNC cheating at its own game to support Hillary- who was deeply unpopular- that kept people at home.

            You can blame other candidates being better all you want. The reality is, Hilary was and Biden is a bad candidate.

            • HACKthePRISONS
              56 months ago

              “how can Biden be a bad candidate if he won?”

              - dnc shills together in unison

            • TigrisMorte
              -56 months ago

              Sorry but getting more Votes is not defined as cheating. I didn’t blame any candidates, I blame the idiots butt hurt for staying home. Add in the “Vote third party to send a message” idiots and you get 2016 in a nutshell. Please note: it wasn’t Bernie Voters as they mostly did Vote. But all the “teach Dems a lesson” did was elect Trump. And that is all the fools whining about Biden shall do.

              • FuglyDuck
                56 months ago


                it wasn’t a fair process to begin with, the DNC ran it’s primary so as to prevent Bernie from ever getting that election. and they did it because, as a socialist, he’s antithetical to the interests that control the DNC. that is, the corporate elite.

                they really should just say “fuck it”, stop doing primary elections and just appoint whoever they want. It’d be more honest than the dog and pony show we currently have for primaries.

                • TigrisMorte
                  -46 months ago

                  so, you think it is reliable to accept the Russian provided DNC emails at face value? 'cause that is what that wikileaks garbage is. No chance it was modified or edited to push the exact narrative you bought into?


                  “Well, you know Chuck, again these are connected to a Russian government propaganda effort to destabilize the election,” Kaine responded.

                  Kaine later added: “The one (email) that has referred to me was flat-out completely incorrect. So I don’t know whether it was doctored or whether the person sending it didn’t know what they were talking about. Clearly, I think there’s a capacity for much of the information in them to be wrong.”

                  Experts told PolitiFact that there is precedent to support Kaine’s claim. While most of the emails are probably unaltered, they said there is a chance that at least a few have been tampered with in some way.

                  “I’ve looked at a lot of document dumps provided by hacker groups over the years, and in almost every case you can find a few altered or entirely falsified documents,” said Jeffrey Carr, CEO of cybersecurity firm Taia Global. “But only a few. The vast majority were genuine. I believe that’s the case with the Podesta emails, as well.”

                  “I would be shocked if the emails weren’t altered,” said Jamie Winterton, director of strategy for Arizona State University’s Global Security Initiative, citing Russia’s long history of spreading disinformation.

                  However, some of the emails in the WikiLeaks dump — especially among emails sent to Podesta — don’t have these signatures and can’t be technically verified. And digital signature verification wouldn’t detect tampering by omission, like if the hackers were to withhold certain emails.

                  I appreciate that you believe it, but those are at best questionable.


                  • FuglyDuck
                    6 months ago

                    If the emails are genuine, they’re genuine.

                    If they’re not… that’s pretty easy to show. Instead, the DNC has apologized for them. But yeah. I’m the one buying a narrative. We also have records of them, you know, doing the things that the emails say they did- like blocking Bernie from accessing voter rolls so he couldn’t send mailers or otherwise contact them.

                    The leak wouldn’t have been as impactful if they weren’t, you know, actively undermining candidates in contradiction to their own convention’s bylaws. But, yes, RuSsIaNs. it’s all the rUsSiAnS fault.

              • @[email protected]
                26 months ago

                The “idiots” who voted third party went 3:1 for the Libertarian party. The Greens got 1% of the vote, and I’ll bet a good portion of those would have picked Trump if forced to pick one or the other.

                It’s not third party voters, it’s voters who stay home. If you think you can berate people into showing up for a shitty candidate, then you are delusional.

          • @[email protected]
            56 months ago

            No it wasn’t, it was trying to force Hillary Clinton down our throats.

            She won the primary, but spent all her money in the primary and did almost zero opposition research on trump.

            Because Hillary Clinton is remarkably unpopular, she has zero charisma. A life time in politics and her only elected office was a completely safe Blue Senate seat for a state she never lived in after essentially an uncontested primary.

            The party put all our eggs in a basket with a giant hole in the bottom, because she spent decades stacking up political favors and called them all in.

            Bernie could have pulled off an Obama, but the party learned their lesson the last time voters overruled the party. That’s why they switched to the strategy and actual legal defense of “it’s my party and I’ll influence the results if I want”.

            • HACKthePRISONS
              -16 months ago

              I don’t know how accurate your analysis is, but it affirms my bias so I like the story you tell.

            • TigrisMorte
              -36 months ago

              None of that is accurate, but you believe it because you bought into the whining bull shit from 2016.

          • @[email protected]
            36 months ago

            Bullshit. It was apathy tangential to despair. Infighting happens in the tiny percentage of voters who are actually engaged in and educated about the political system. They don’t stay home on election day. It’s the average apolitical Americans who looked at Hillary and saw no point in dragging themselves to the polls. The whole “infighting” thing was just a way for the establishment to shift the blame.