• @[email protected]
    6 months ago

    Taking bets on the racial distribution. Anyone have puts on 85% or greater black/POC victims?

    This should be the kind of thing that results in a nationwide scandal and life jail sentences for the entire department. This is 672 individual citizens of the country who were slaughtered without cause. That’s no oops, that’s an extermination program.

    • @[email protected]
      156 months ago

      672 is not a graveyard, that’s a fucking mass grave. And yep I have no doubt what the majority of the dead’s racial makeup is.

      • @sugar_in_your_tea
        16 months ago

        No, the article says 672:

        We know, based on the records from the coroner’s office, that, since 2016, in the last eight years, we can identify 215 individuals that were buried behind that jail, and their families have not been notified.

        Furthermore, Mr. Wade was number 672. That means there are 671 other people buried behind that jail marked with only a number.

          • @sugar_in_your_tea
            26 months ago

            Yeah, it’s disgusting. The worst part is that it could totally happen in my area, and I have no way of knowing.