Thanks to Donald Trump’s presidential term, the conservative legal movement has been able to realize some of its wildest dreams: overturning the constitutional right to an abortion, ending affirmative action in college admissions, and potentially making most state-level firearm restrictions presumptively unconstitutional. That movement long predates Trump, and these goals were long-standing. But, like the rest of conservatism, much of the conservative legal movement has also been remade in Trump’s vulgar, authoritarian image, and is now preparing to go further, in an endeavor to shield both Trump and the Republican Party from democratic accountability.

The federal judiciary has become a battleground in a right-wing culture war that aims to turn back the clock to a time when conservative mores—around gender, sexuality, race—were unchallenged and, in some respects, unchallengeable. Many of the federal judges appointed during Trump’s presidency seem to see themselves as foot soldiers in that war, which they view as a crusade to restore the original meaning of the Constitution. Yet in practice, their rulings have proved to be little more than Trump-era right-wing punditry with cherry-picked historical citations.

The 2016 Trump administration was focused on quickly filling the judiciary with judges who are not just ideologically conservative but dedicated right-wing zealots. But that administration “didn’t have all of the chess pieces completely lined up” to get right-wing ideologues into every open seat, Jake Faleschini, of the liberal legal-advocacy group Alliance for Justice, told me. More restrained conservative jurists filled some of those seats. Trump and his allies will be better prepared next time, he said. “Those chess pieces are very well lined up now.”

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  • @[email protected]
    58 months ago

    Well let’s see here. There are three liberal judges left on scotus. After appellate says no, will find that it’s a-ok for trumpie to order seal team six to assassinate political opponents.

    So at that point, you just off ALL the liberal judges and put your beer boofing puppets in. Your history of killing enemies will be a great way to keep your appointees in line.

    Then you just take EVERYTHING to court, and do as you please. (At this point I listed a bunch of examples, but even in jest, I couldn’t stomach the words I wrote)

    • Jaysyn
      48 months ago

      Fun fact. Biden has a year to get that done himself if SCotUS decides to braid their own noose.

      • @[email protected]
        58 months ago

        That notion is not lost on me. I’m afraid he wouldn’t be ruthless enough to pull that trigger.