I was an EVGA customer for many years. I’m looking to buy a new GPU soon to replace my 2080Ti. What brands would you consider when making a new GPU purchase and why?

  • @Eeyore_Syndrome
    211 months ago

    I’ve always been AMD myself.

    Unfortunately I’ve had an Asus Strix Vega 64 suffer from voltage spikes and ended up seeing it has bad quality control thermal pads ❎

    Then seeing Asus melt motherboards with the AM5 X3Ds at launch 🤔…

    I think the current generation of Power Color was having a similar issues with thermal pads, but don’t quote me on that. My PC 5700xt and 6900xt Red Devils worked fine.

    I went with Sapphire this go round for my 7900xtx.

    Make friends, resell old parts. Subsidize upgrades 🙃

    • mihnt
      111 months ago

      I’ve been using ASUS/AMD for 20ish years now with excellent results. Just upgraded from a R9 380 that was and is still running fine. Will be my kid’s new card.