Drinking one glass or more of 100% fruit juice each day is associated with weight gain in children and adults, according to a new analysis of 42 previous studies.

The research, published Tuesday in JAMA Pediatrics, found a positive association between drinking 100% fruit juice and BMI — a calculation that takes into account weight and height — among kids. It also found an association between daily consumption of 100% fruit juice with weight gain among adults.

100% fruit juice was defined as fruit juices with no added sugar.

  • @[email protected]
    56 months ago

    Body builders are also burning mutiple times the average daily caloric load and specifically need extra protein. Average people should not eat like body builders or peofessional athletes. (Average people should also, like, walk around more. Maybe climb a bit. Use your body)

    • @[email protected]
      -36 months ago

      That’s not true, each set burns like 2 calories on average. If you look at intermediate lifting routines, it’s about 40-100 total sets a week.

      Sure, some bodybuilders will bulk and cut, but that’s hardly necessary since it’s proven you gain muscle on maintenance calories if you lift

      • @[email protected]
        36 months ago

        Hafthor was eating approximately 10k Calories a day at his peak. I’m not talking about a three-days-a-week gym bro I mean people whose entire life is physical strain.

      • @Kecessa
        26 months ago

        More muscle mass means more calories required even at rest. You’re clearly out of depth right now and should just stop.

        • @[email protected]
          6 months ago

          By literally single digits of calories

          When I was 191 lbs at 15.8% bf I had a maintenance of a whopping 2700 calories

          Hardly double of a regular person

          • @Kecessa
            6 months ago

            Still 500 or 23% more than average for a man… The difference is a single digit… That’s in the third position of the number, but still, it’s just one digit!

            How hard is that to understand?