• NeuromancerOPM
      -68 months ago

      Sexual abuse, not sexual assault. Yet, this story has nothing to do with your claim. I am not sure why you keep bringing it up. It is a civil case and most likely will be overturned when appealed.

      When did Trump admit to sexually assaulting anyone?

      You’re the one who brought up Trump’s integrity,

      This is how I know you are trolling. Where did I ever mention Trump’s integrity? Stop babbling and cite where I every said anything about his integrity.

        • NeuromancerOPM
          -48 months ago

          I am trying to keep up but you are all over the place and not being very clear.

          Sexual assault is a crime and Trump has never admitted to such a crime.

          A more accurate term is sexual assault as that is how it is defined under NY law. It isn’t defined as sexual violence. It isn’t defined as sexual assault. There is a reason they used the term they did in court because they know the evidence was zero.