I just got up and took about 7 big huffs on a vape while making a coffee. 2% strength and my vision went, everything went black I started blacking out against the kitchen counter. Had to kneel down and wait for it to pass before standing up to finish my coffee. Fucked it up in a cloud of confusion and drank a warm milk.

How the fuck is nicotine legal?

  • @[email protected]
    05 months ago

    It is smoking. You are intaking all this shit into your lungs. Not on fire, but same thing. Get real people.

    • @naught
      45 months ago

      Combustion creates lots of nasty chemicals. Sure vaping has nasty chemicals sometimes too, but if it is properly regulated and studied, it appears to be a great method of harm reduction. Granted, we should take steps to ensure children aren’t tantalized by them as best we can, but let’s not shit on harm reduction.

          • @[email protected]
            15 months ago

            As someone in recovery, I have years of understanding what it is to justify my addictions. For example, you can choose to have a beer vs hard liquor. In the end, it is a choice between yourself and what is in front of you.

            • @naught
              15 months ago

              Then you should know about methadone and other harm reduction measures intended to help wean people from their addiction or make them safer while they are still under its grip. This is the same idea.

              I appreciate the sentiment, but this is less beer versus liquor and more a lethal dose of rat poison vs corn syrup. Both bad, but one a fair but more damaging than the other. (simplifying a lot & not the greatest metaphor, but you get it)

              Good luck with sobriety! o7