Which version do you have installed and what do you use your installation for?

  • [email protected]A
    8 months ago

    Nextcloud Hub 3 (25.0.13) running in an LXC inside Proxmox.
    Probably more work to setup than something like docker, but it’s been years since I set that up.
    I just update it now and then through the web UI and that’s mostly fine.
    Years ago, before the nextcloud spin-off, OwnCloud broke at every other update and it was a pain, but I yaven’t had this issue in forever. I’m sure OwnCloud also got better in that time but I haven’t tested it.

    My usecase is mostly just file storage with the occasional sharing.
    My partner and I, both have our own accounts, but are part of a share group or whatever that’s called now.
    Short story is we have our separate stuff but also a common folder.
    Otherwise there’s the occasional public link.

    I dabbled with Talk a while back but I’m already using Signal or Matrix, so didn’t use that much.
    Never used the contacts or calendar, but maybe I should because I’ve been meaning to degoogle more and the calendar is acting up.