• Lorenzo Sintoni :fedora:
    21 year ago


    I had the same issue last week (was my first installation)

    I managed reinstalling it after a purge, and now it works good. The only difference is now i did not activate server side crypt module. I’m running NcAIO on Debian 11.


      21 year ago

      I decided not to use server side encryption, as its just running on a comp at home. But maybe a fresh reinstall would work. Did you do anything special when purging?

            • 🅱🅴🅿🅿🅸OP
              21 year ago

              Was meant to get back to you, sorry

              Didnt work for me unfortunately… maybe some setting in the backup was carried over and thats the problem. But i think the actual problem is hardware/setup based rather than config/software. Might invest in a less shit computer soon haha

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