I propose 2024 is the year of early access games boycott.

Bring back completed games only.

  • @[email protected]
    305 months ago

    Where does “buying it 10 years later so that it can run on whatever the modern equivalent of a teacup is” fit in?

    Playing witcher 3 on steamdeck for the first time.

      • @[email protected]
        115 months ago

        This is exactly what I’m doing. Games still look great, they run great, and chances are there are a bunch of quality of life mod improvements.

        Days gone released on gog not long ago, the first thing I got was the mod for silencers, what a bullshit idea to only use it for five shots and then it’s gone.

        And I forgot: I never buy a GaaS! They will shut down The Crew soon, a game I play on a regular basis and one of the most relaxing titles ever made. I don’t care how great a game might be, you won’t get any money out of me ever again dear companies.

        • Tlaloc_Temporal
          25 months ago

          That’s how (many) suppressors work in real life though. Each shot erodes the baffles, and after no more than a dozen it’s just a flash hider.

    • yeehaw
      65 months ago

      I did witcher 3 like 3 years ago. What a great time I had. My previous PC was barely mid tier in 2012. When I built a new one in 2019 it was a piece of cake to run in an ultra wide monitor with cranked settings.

      • @[email protected]
        5 months ago

        I upgraded my PC in Oktober with a RX 7600, enough for older games, silent and efficient. I really looked forward to enjoy Witcher 3 at highest settings. A few days later rumors about Witcher 3 Next Gen. How dare they! Now I can’t push every single slider to max and enjoy 120fps!

        In all seriousness: The update is great of course and I applaud CD Project Red for releasing it free. Besides the better graphics (Which even the 7600 can handle at Full HD without high RT settings) they also included tons of fixes and quality of live improvements the community made over the time. I can really recommend it.

        I even bought it at full price years before I played it because I enjoyed Witcher 2 so much and was certain they will make a good game.

        • yeehaw
          25 months ago

          What’s hilarious about this is I was previously using a community mod that did all this already. The official update fucked my performance so hard I rolled it back. I couldn’t really tell a difference. They later fixed it but it does run worse still than the mod version.

      • PhreakyByNature
        25 months ago

        I ran it on a mid range business machine from 2014 with mostly mild upgrades and a 1060 6GB. I’ve since upgraded everything but the GPU, need to have another stab but I keep playing CS2 instead. When I’m not playing that it’s TOTK on the Switch.

    • TheEmpireStrikesDak
      45 months ago

      I’ve only just got a computer that can play games from 2005 onwards (no kidding my netbook could handle sims 2 at the most). I’ve also started playing Witcher 3 (got the complete collection for £8) and just bought a controller the other day. I don’t care about fancy cutting edge graphics; good storyline and gaming experience is what matters.