A Pennsylvania man has been arrested after allegedly killing his father, before displaying his decapitated head in a gruesome YouTube video while spouting right-wing conspiracy theories…

In the YouTube video, which was titled “Mohn’s Militia - Call To Arms For American Patriots” and is cited in a police complaint, Mohn is seen wearing gloves and holding his father’s head in a plastic bag. Later, the head can be seen in a cooking pot.

Mohn says his father was a federal employee for 20 years and refers to him as a traitor,** calling for the death of all federal officials and attacking President Joe Biden’s administration, the Black Lives Matter movement, the LGBTQ community and antifa activists**. YouTube removed the video, which is more than 14 minutes long, hours after it was posted.

Why must these red hat losers take down loved ones and others in their spiral down the Qanon rabbit hole? Will the Qanon grifters ever be held accountable for their roles for feeding these types with misinformation and radicalizing those that will go to these extremes just to sell the latest hat, tee-shirt, flag, subscription?

These grifters and the homegrown white terrorists are the real threats…

  • cardboardchris
    1045 months ago

    not to detract from the seriousness of this crime, but it’s killing me that I keep seeing “decapitated head”, when it should be “disembodied head”. it’s his body that’s decapitated.

    • eric
      595 months ago

      Never too serious for a healthy dose of pedantry.

      And I am taking note to your wording because it’s so easy to come off negatively when being pedantic, yet you’ve avoided that quite elegantly.

    • @Scubus
      35 months ago

      How bad is it killing you?