• @[email protected]
    85 months ago

    If I lost my arm and somebody gave me the choice between one that looked realistic but didn’t work as well, and one that was more obviously artificial but also more functional, I’d go for the latter.

    That said, if I had the choice I’d also go for the arm with a built in raspberry bi, screwdriver kit, and the bionic eye with heat-tracking/infrared and advanced zoom capabilities.

    As it stands, I’m just hoping that “robot parts” reach a happy-medium option before I’m older and the “meat parts” reach their shelf-life

    • @[email protected]
      65 months ago

      My partner has a fibreglass leg that looks very clearly fake even when wearing pants, he hates the fact you can notice it is fake and wishes it would just look normal so people stop staring and asking about it.