• @Kecessa
    15 months ago

    If it’s not their job to help society then why should we let them exist?

    • @[email protected]
      15 months ago
      1. You are free to not spend money there
      2. If you took this logic and turned it around, i could see an argument saying the moment you stop helping society why should we let you exist

      I agree that in the best interests of having a pleasant place to live, or elected officials should force them to sell at not so great a profit. I feel like “they shouldn’t be allowed to exist” is a poor way to put it.

      • @Kecessa
        15 months ago

        People who don’t help society end up in prison and corporations aren’t people.

          • @Kecessa
            5 months ago

            Go and kill someone and get caught, tell me how that goes for ya 🙂

            Also, you’re in a Canadian community here.

            • @[email protected]
              05 months ago

              besides the example i gave actually harming people, and them not being in prison, to go from “people who don’t help society” to murder is kind of a stretch isn’t it?

              you realize it’s possible to neither help nor harm society.

              i am canadian, are we limited to examples only of canadian’s who harm societies, C suite of loblaws isn’t in jail are they?

              • @Kecessa
                05 months ago

                Commit fraud then

                And yes the country matters. Ever heard of… Laws?