• @[email protected]
    -35 months ago

    I think the vast majority of landlords are parasites, but definitely not all.

    You think every single person should be entitled to hundreds of thousands of dollars of property on loan? Some grown ass adults out there struggle to tie their shoelaces because they’re still holding their crack pipe. Landlords are the vehicle by which the needy gain access to housing in capitalism, they’re a symptom and not a disease. Fix capitalism (with socialism) and the symptom will disappear.

    • @[email protected]
      85 months ago

      You’re framing the issue all wrong. Money is fake. Housing is necessary to live. Maybe everyone should just have a house and we shouldn’t commodify a necessity to living. Same with food and water. Anyone who profiteers off of a life necessity is a parasite.

      • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
        45 months ago

        Who’s going to gather the lumber, pour the foundation, frame the house, mine the copper, install the electrical wiring, and all that shit? It sounds nice to say “maybe everyone should just have a house”, but houses don’t grow out of the ground. It takes considerable manpower, knowledge, skill, and resources to build a house. The people involved in that process deserve & require compensation. You can debate if it’s best to receive that compensation through a socialist system where they receive other goods and services in exchange, a communist system where everyone labors and receives according to state distribution, or through our current capitalist system, but it’s naive to say “just give everyone a house”.

    • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
      25 months ago

      You’re getting torn apart - I think partially because of your phrasing - but you make a valid point. There are a lot of people without the knowledge, ability, resources, or even desire to own a house. “Just give everyone a house” is a childish sentiment that fails to acknowledge the complexities of the real world.

      • @[email protected]
        25 months ago

        I’m not feeling “torn apart” in the slightest, most reasonable responses have been very much in agreement with me while dissenting views have been mostly ad hominem or baseless accusation.

      • @[email protected]
        15 months ago

        council housing and housing coops sound a lot like what I said about socialism being the solution, but yeh

        • @[email protected]
          35 months ago

          I thought you were genuinly argueing that landlords keep crackheads of the street. Should have been more forgiving.