Once you get a hotend that let’s you do this you’ll never want to go back.

This is a Phaetus Dragon HF hotend.

  • DarkwingDuck
    21 year ago
    1. I see two hands
    2. I wouldn’t trust the bolts securing the heat block to the rest of the hotend to not twist under thermal stress. Just hold it with a wrench.
    • GormadtOP
      11 year ago

      My other hand is simply there to stabilize my shaky hands, it can be done perfectly without the other hand there.

      The hotend is a Phaetus Dragon HF, it’s designed for nozzle changes without having to hold the block by using small stainless steel tubes in addition to the heat break for extra stability.

      And the wrench I’m using is a torque wrench that applies a small enough force to not spin the hotend but enough to bring the nozzle up to spec to be secure.

      • DarkwingDuck
        21 year ago

        If that works long-term, that’s great.

        • GormadtOP
          11 year ago

          So far it’s going great, I’ve had it installed for about a year now