I mod a community here, and for the last three days posts made to that community have not been showing up outside of this instance. Specifically, I have an account on Lemmy World, and I can’t see any recent posts from the community I mod on that account.

Also, I follow several communities from other instances including lemmy.world and lemmy.ml and none of the content for those communities have updated here in the last three days, though when I check them from accounts I have with other instances, they all show up fine.

I have checked all of this on my mobile browser, my desktop browser, and Jerboa.

Does anyone know what’s going on? Does this have anything to do with the steps @[email protected] has been taking to combat bots? This is really problematic, it’s like we’ve been shadow defederated.

Edit: Seriously, why would someone downvote this post?

Edit 2: I’m not sure if this is related or not, but for the first time, I’m not able to respond to a Kbin users comment. That happened in this post.

  • @TheDude
    81 year ago

    Hey everyone,

    A few days ago when we were under bot attack I rolled out a script to help me mitigate the attack. This script essentially calculated that rate at which certain IPs were posting and added them to a block list. Some of the IPs from other instances such as lemmy.ml were falsely added to this block list. I’ve since gone through all of the IPs and removed the ones that shouldn’t have been there.

    Please let me know if anyone is still having issues and I’ll do my best to review your particular case in a timely manner.

      • @TheDudeMA
        11 year ago

        Hi there,

        I’ve upped it to 50 characters.

        • @JohnnyCanuck
          11 year ago

          Thanks! Unfortunately it doesn’t seem to be working so there must be something else going on. I appreciate you trying the change for me though!

    • Transient PunkOP
      11 year ago

      I figured it had to be something like this. Thanks for looking into this! Also, thank you for hosting this instance.