Last update was in Jan 2023

  • @Cheradenine
    81 year ago

    I don’t think anyone knows, ffupdater reports ‘it is no longer maintained’. Csagan5 was awesome, they didn’t get into politics, they just made the best Chromium browser for Android. I hope they are OK. I hope they come back.

    One of the contributors is keeping the project alive here but it is not exactly the same.

    For a Firefox fork (my main browser), there is the excellent Mull from DivestOS

    • @[email protected]
      31 year ago

      Yeah I switched to fennec for now - mull’s too hardened for how I want my browser to behave. Someone did point out mulch, from the divestOS project, to me recently in case anyone is looking for a FOSS chromium fork that’s still maintained. I installed it through FDroid on stock android rom with no issues

      • @Cheradenine
        1 year ago

        Mull is quite hardened, the list of issues, and how to mitigate them if you wish is here. Mulch is my choice when I want a Chromium browser.

        The developer is adamant about pushing security patches. So it is frequently updated.