Over the weekend, the allegations returned to the fore, and for good reason. The New York Times reported on Saturday:

John F. Kelly, who served as former President Donald J. Trump’s second White House chief of staff, said in a sworn statement that Mr. Trump had discussed having the Internal Revenue Service and other federal agencies investigate two F.B.I. officials involved in the investigation into his campaign’s ties to Russia. Mr. Kelly said that his recollection of Mr. Trump’s comments to him was based on notes that he had taken at the time in 2018. Mr. Kelly provided copies of his notes to lawyers for one of the F.B.I. officials, who made the sworn statement public in a court filing.

  • @[email protected]
    201 year ago

    Sure, it’s not entirely ethical and a nepo baby, but to still compare him with Don Jr who is still continuing to spout election denialism and misinformation is a bit disingenuous. I agree, if Hunter committed any crimes he should pay just like anyone else, but him being a nepo baby isn’t the conversation we’re having right now.

    • AngrilyEatingMuffins
      1 year ago

      he’s more akin to Kushner, making business deals and getting on the boards of companies purely by his relationships.

      there’s a pretty big difference between being the kid of a senator and starting a lobbying company with the aim of leveraging your familial relations to advance the interests of corporations and billionaires paying you.

      but like, hasn’t he committed multiple felonies that generally do end up with people in jail? tax fraud, spousal abuse, gun he wasn’t allowed to have (IIRC). so, like, pardon me but i kind of think that seems like bullshit.

      if he should pay like everyone else he should be barred from having anything to do with politics and go to jail like everyone who doesn’t have a senator for a daddy would have.

      • Aesthesiaphilia
        81 year ago

        but like, hasn’t he committed multiple felonies that generally do end up with people in jail?

        I’m take that seriously when the GOP starts complaining about all the other rich people who regularly do shit like this and face no consequences.

        • AngrilyEatingMuffins
          01 year ago

          So you’re against equal application of the law if the perpetrator is prominent enough. Yeah, this is why Democratic politics are nearly as corrupt as the Republicans.

          • Aesthesiaphilia
            11 year ago

            Ah, so this is the part where you make a ridiculous strawman and we all laugh at you. Got it.

            • AngrilyEatingMuffins
              11 year ago

              You literally just said you waive away his corruption because the other guys are more corrupt. It is not in any way a straw man it is your stated position. Maybe stop treating this like a game rich people play.

                • AngrilyEatingMuffins
                  11 year ago

                  but like, hasn’t he committed multiple felonies that generally do end up with people in jail?

                  I’m take that seriously when the GOP starts complaining about all the other rich people who regularly do shit like this and face no consequences.

                  You’re taking Democratic corruption seriously only after Republicans eliminate their corruption. You are a defender and champion of corruption, just as long as it’s people in your party.

                  The fact that you think that’s different from partisan corruption basically everywhere is laughable.

                  Are you a child? I try not to get into arguments with children.

                  • Aesthesiaphilia
                    11 year ago

                    I’m not referring to the corruption itself. I’m just not taking your words or your concern seriously. I don’t think you actually care about corruption. All you care about is making Democrats look bad.

                    I’ll take your words seriously after you start dealing with corruption in your own party.

                    Anyway, you probably understood all that, you’re just intentionally misconstruing my words in a poor attempt to make democrats look bad, because that’s all you people can ever do. It’s your whole party platform. That and oppressing minorities.

      • @RIPandTERROR
        61 year ago

        Don’t think I disagree with any of that. I would expand on it however and say there’s an order of priority, and of the people that should be barred from having anything to do with politics and go to jail, I would not say he’s anywhere close to the highest on the list of those priorities.

        • AngrilyEatingMuffins
          11 year ago

          You don’t think the president’s son repeatedly trying to peddle his father’s influence is a priority?

          • @[email protected]
            11 year ago

            He’s not actively doing it. Any accusations of the like stem from actions from a decade ago when his father was vice president, and nothing has ever been proven, though the GOP have annual witch hunts to try.

            • AngrilyEatingMuffins
              11 year ago

              I mean they shut down the firm. He’s been getting jobs on the boards of mega corps ever since. What about Hunter Biden strikes you as someone who is highly successful in anything much less business

      • keeb420
        51 year ago

        hunter hasnt gotten a security clearance after failing to accurately fill out his sf86 multiple times and then got bailed out for billions on a building he was underwater on and then got billions more from another country for “no reason” while having access to classified documents.