Run, you fucking piece of shit. Go go go gogogogogogog!

My niece told her grandmother about her fear of getting murdered at school. Feel that fear, asshole.

    • @mindbleach
      25 months ago

      The problem is obsessive fetishism that ensures illegal uses have no problem finding ownership.

      That’s not even my argument: it’s their argument. ‘Criminals can always get a gun!’ Yeah hey y’think that’s got anything to do with how many fuckin’ guns there are? Like maybe we should do something about that number?

      • @[email protected]
        -15 months ago

        Illegal users will always have no problem finding ownership, there are 600,000,000 out there already with no registry to know who/where and nobody wanting to give them up, pandora’s box has been opened, yes. Furthermore even if we ended private sale and mandated safe storage, all black market dealers have to do is manufacture (which is already increasing in popularity but not price, so “yes it can happen” and “no they won’t then be prohibitively expensive or poorly manufactured,” we already see those being proven now), or just say the illegally privately sold arms were stolen from the safe, “forced to open it at gunpoint because all yours were inside it” and such. Actual murderers regularly carry “hot” firearms now, that they knowingly bought as stolen firearms, this practice would continue uninhibited.

        • @mindbleach
          25 months ago

          Y’all don’t really listen, huh.

          “The number’s too big!” We can lower that number. “… Nuh-uh.” We can stop making that number bigger. “No that’s worse somehow.”

          Like you cannot imagine anything being different from right now, so just repeating the problem means it cannot be solved.

          And your actions can’t make it worse.

          As if the exact number of murders going on right now is the same as if we handed every single human alive an untraceable firearm and wished them luck. It’d be the same! Exactly the same! Because so long as a criminal can get a gun, they’re all identically well-served by a flawless free market, exclusively for people you’ve branded “criminals.” Not like your gun-nut friends ever have trouble getting anything legitimately, even though it’s sold at fucking Wal-Mart.

          Isn’t it just awful how the school shooters and gangbangers all have full-auto Uzis like in 80s action films, since laws about that did absolutely fucking nothing to make those objects harder to get?

          • @[email protected]
            5 months ago

            This is where you share your grand plan on how.

            Btw, full auto has been illegal since 1986 and the fact that as you say “school shooters have it” proves my point.

            • @mindbleach
              15 months ago

              You’re proving mine. It’s depressing. I’m not even sure explaining sarcasm would help, if you missed sarcasm that fucking blatant. I put ‘because laws never make things harder to get, huh?’ right at the end, but you’re not really listening. I should not be surprised.

              So I’ll be condescendingly literal.

              Some people want full-auto guns, but can’t get them, because they’ve been illegal for ages. We successfully made those guns nearly impossible to get. You know this, but you refuse to connect it to any discussion of other kinds of guns, because your script is stuck on the status quo. You do not believe the number can be made lower, for general firearms… even though we’ve made the number lower, for specific firearms.

              And you know better than I do how we made that number lower.

              • @[email protected]
                5 months ago

                No plan huh? How’d I guess.

                Some people want full-auto guns, but can’t get them,

                Oh yes they can, I could easily fold a coat hanger into, or 3d print, a DIAS, or I could legally buy an auto sear and then illegally drill a third pin hole in the right spot on my lower. Would take 30min the long way with the drill press. Problem though: since I’m not already killing people, I actually care about getting sent to prison for it. Murderers however, ten years in federal prison is the least of their concerns while they literally murder people which could get them 25yr to life, which is why illegal aliexpress glock switches have been making increased appearances at crime scenes.

                We successfully made those guns nearly impossible to get.

                LOL, you mean “legally,” right? Because like guns it is trivially easy to manufacture an auto switch/dias illegally, you just can’t buy one…legally, aliexpress sells them though, so it is possible to buy them, easily. An actual auto sear itself though is legal to buy or own, but installation without a permit is not.

                • @mindbleach
                  15 months ago

                  It’s so easy that nobody does it. You mock people when you imagine they’re saying it’s widespread. You don’t get to mock the same people to insist it should be widespread. Do you have object permanence?

                  I apologize for trusting you to understand an intuition pump. What I mean, when I say you know better than I do how we changed the number of available guns, is: we restricted those guns. Laws work, actually. You keep asking “how? how? how?” like you cannot imagine-- hang on, in light of this conversation, maybe you can’t.

                  Some countries restrict new gun sales. Y’know. Like we did with full-auto guns? And now not even mass shooters use full-auto guns? Scoff as hard as you like about how any pickle-brained moron can manufacture the fiddly widget that makes the bang switch go bang bang bang. It matters as much as telling people any fool can make a zip gun. Only occasional maniacs will bother. Any particular asshole will be a threat to Shinzo Abe instead of to four hundred concert-goers in Vegas.

                  Some countries strongly encourage getting rid of guns. Buyback programs don’t have to be mandatory, they can literally just buy back what’s out there. A lot of folks need a couple hundred bucks more than they need a legal firearm they’re not using day-to-day. Fewer guns just lying around means fewer guns to slide into the apparently-quite-convenient black market. Prices go up, delays go up, and we gradually cinch off the asinine objection that ‘there’s too many guns.’

                  Some countries just take a bunch of guns. That sentence presumably provokes a response somewhere between “I knew it!” and wordless screaming horror, but it’d work even if half of y’all did your Charlton Heston routine. Millions of people could keep their secret guns… and there would be fewer guns.

                  Do you understand the concept of fewer guns? Does it even parse?

                  • @[email protected]
                    15 months ago

                    It is easy to make, the hard part is the TEN YEARS IN A FEDERAL PENITENTIARY. I hate to all caps, but it was being missed and you were being rude about you having missed that.

                    What laws specifically do you think we should implement. It really isn’t as difficult of a question as you make it out to be.

                    I’m not asking “how we reduced full auto,” because not only are there more SOTs now than there were in the years following the ban, illegal use/ownership is also now becoming more widespread. This is mostly due to how easy it is now to spread information, however “I’m not asking how we reduced…” because it is increasing, albeit currently lower than '86, then again all violent crime has been on a downswing since 1993. The “laws worked” because the internet was much less prevalent and .stl wasn’t yet a filetype, give it some time.

                    And now not even mass shooters use full-auto guns?

                    Isn’t it just awful how the school shooters and gangbangers all have full-auto Uzis like in 80s action films, since laws about that did absolutely fucking nothing to make those objects harder to get?

                    Do you have object permanence?

                    I’ll just “right-back-atcha” here.

                    Gangbangers are THE people using illegal aliexpress glock switches that are showing up at crime scenes. Who did you think was using them, family annihilators? I like how you tightened it to mass shooters too, and btw they have used them before as well, admittedly more rarely than semi, but if we’re being sticklers…

                    Scoff as hard as you like about how any pickle-brained moron can manufacture the fiddly widget that makes the bang switch go bang bang bang.

                    Yes, even you could do it.

                    Only occasional maniacs will bother.

                    Shame that occasional maniacs are the people killing people as well.


                    Buyback programs don’t have to be mandatory,

                    They do here. They have an extremely low success rate, they usually offer less than what the gun is worth by far (like $200 for a $1200+ gun). Typically what happens is you get a few dead-grandpa guns left in an attic, and then some joker 3d prints a bunch of liberators (or in one case a bunch of DIASs because they counted for more, actually, lol) and sells those for a huge profit they use to fund other gun purchases. American gun owners are simply not interested in buybacks. The black market meanwhile (assuming we ban all guns) now has a foothold with illegal manufacture which will happen, someone also needs a couple hundered extra bucks and doesn’t mind using his now-illegal skills to arm his GD or Folk friends (hell with the ghost guns increasing it’s likely this already happens, I doubt every one of those people printed their own, but there’s no real way to catch them beyond making a controlled buy). Prices may go up, but typically illegally sold guns right now are “hot” and actually cheaper than in store. I could get you a glock 19 for $500 at a store, or $150 from a guy I know who also sells heroin if you want any of that while I’m there. Problem is though if you get the $150 one and a cop runs the serial, you’ll also be doing time in prison. Again, for you and me, prison is a deterrent. For a murderer? That extra couple years for a stolen gun charge is nothing when you’re already risking 25 to life. Most people involved in violent crime also being involved in drugs and gangs, the price increase is negligable even if it does happen, drug dealers usually have a lot of cash.

                    Millions of people could keep their secret guns…

                    And the only people who could use them would be criminals (who would all keep their guns) because self defense with an illegal item is illegal. That sounds like a plan, for sure. Not a good plan by any stretch of the imagination, but a plan nonetheless.