• FreeSoftware GNU
    24 months ago

    Idk with a couple of extensions I really enjoy the GNOME work-flow. Although I admit KDE on my SteamDeck has been tempting me lately.

    • @[email protected]
      34 months ago

      KDE is amazing and you should give it a try. It’s unbelievably customizable, and is so much more seamless. Having to use gnome is almost as frustrating as having to use macos. And in a lot of the same ways. Like, trying to get a usable task bar in gnome is infuriating.

      • FreeSoftware GNU
        4 months ago

        usable task bar in gnome

        Just one easy to enable extension for this, but it should definitely be the default. Overall I like the stock GNOME experience and find it clean. When you get the hang of GNOME it starts to make sense. Super key is the answer.

        KDE is obviously more powerful, but I don’t like customizing my desktop very much so that point is moot for me.

        I’m going full KDE for the next 6 months, you should try GNOME for a bit, give it a solid chance with extensions.