My players have recently become the heads of a mercenary company. I’d like to use this opportunity to involve the players in a bit of world building of sorts that might also be a rewarding minigame.

They’ll be responsible for assigning teams of NPC mercenaries to tasks. I’ve yet to decide exactly how this works and would love to pick the brains of you lovely people.

My thoughts are it might be fun for the players to be either “interview” NPCs and assign them teams and then assign those teams to tasks. But maybe they want to each bring a few quick-generated characters to the table that night and “interview” each other.

My group is very RP heavy and love inter-character dialogue. This session is also a bit of a cool down after defeating a major enemy in the last session.

Thoughts on how I can make this a fun experience but also lend to building the world? How can I help make the “minion assignment minigame” rewarding and fun as well throughout our campaign?


  • sbv
    1 year ago

    I’d suggest putting together a few resumes. Use some online generators to add backgrounds and plot hooks.

    There was some DriveThroughRPG supplement for Waterdeep: Dragon Heist that did something similar for tavern staff. I put together:

    • Rumboldt the Racist Dwarf, ex mercenary who interviewed to become cook (orcs killed his son, he will attempt to poison any orcs/half orcs that enter the establishment)

    • Xltr, a black cloaked something. It’s face can’t be seen. Mixes really good drinks. Doesn’t speak. (actually three kobolds in a magic cloak)

    • Dannis, an extremely handsome and charismatic human from another city. (He will be kidnapped by the spouse of someone he picks up in the bar)

    • Illiria, a young elf, clearly slumming with humans to anger her high-born family. Shows absolutely no interest in getting the job, or capability to do it. (If hired, she will be slighted by an employee of a competing organization and devote herself to destroying it, probably by doing her job well and attempting to sabotage the other org)