What are the pros and cons for desktops ? EDIT : Thanks all. I’ll try Silverblue, bazzite and more.

  • @atzanteol
    64 months ago

    It’s definitely not - I’ve just been trying to understand the problem it solves for others though and see if it is something I would be interested in.

    From what I can tell I can get all of the advantages in a “mutable” distro (flatpak, distrobox, etc.) without the overly-complex “immutable host” stuff.

    I honestly don’t get the fear of “some random update ruins your OS”. Perhaps because I’m not an Arch user.

    • Tempy
      4 months ago

      I am an Arch user and I still don’t get it either. When Arch borks something it’s rarely catastrophic. At worst it’s throw in the live USB, mount your drive and fiddle. And if you are going in as an Arch user, fiddling is something you sign up for.