• marsokod
      204 months ago

      You cannot really hide it. The launch has to be public to warn airplanes and ships so they can avoid the area. And once the launch is public, such a failure is quite evident to anyone who was interested in following it, so you might has well publish the news instead of trying to hide the unhidable.

    • @[email protected]
      44 months ago

      My first thought was “I wonder how often this sort of thing happens in US tests and drills. Because there’s absolutely zero chance they would tell us.”

        • @[email protected]
          44 months ago

          How would you know if they aren’t telling you? Idk about you, but I’m not getting any reports about drills and tests from my representative. Maybe military contractors are getting that for the specific equipment they’re selling so they can improve on issues, but I don’t expect that that info is publicly available. After all, mishaps might hurt stock valuation 🙃