I want to go biking in cities, but from what I’ve read most police departments simply do not give a fuck about stolen bikes. How do I make sure my bike doesn’t get stolen?

  • Ziggurat
    1 year ago

    Get a good lock. These “Steel U-type” are pretty hard to break, even a good ‘steel-chain’ type lock will be more than the average bike on the street.

    There isn’t a standard technique yet, but may-be your municipality or police department has a bike marking system which would basically makes the “stolen bike harder to sell”

    These 2 things together would limit the risk as your bike is now hard to steal, hard to sell so they’ll go for another one.

    Also, can you park your bike in a locked place ? Like a bike room in your appartment building or your house entry-hall ? Not having it outside most of the time also limits the risk

    EDIT : Realize that I made the steel/steal typo