After returning to her home planet Pandora, infamous outlaw Lilith is given a dangerous mission and forms an alliance (and potential friendship) with other criminals, including former mercenary Roland, demolitionist Tiny Tina and her protector Krieg, insane scientist Tannis, and the wisecracking robot Claptrap. The mission: find and protect the missing (and important) daughter of a powerful man named Atlas. But things may not be as they seem, as the girl holds the key to great power that can change the fate of the universe.

  • Spaceinv8er
    11 months ago

    Anything with Kevin Hart in it is more likely going to be bad… I’m not saying he’s terrible in everything or a bad actor, it just seems that his movies aren’t terribly good?

    It’s like a Nick Cage movie. Not everything is bad, but you’d be better off going into the movie expecting bad, and be pleasantly surprised when it isn’t.

    Though this movie just seems bad, and not simply because of Kevin Hart.