The proposed rules will criminalize the non-consensual sharing of intimate images, including deepfakes made by AI tools, which could help deter revenge porn.

  • @Deceptichum
    14 months ago

    Where does it mention AI generated porn in that? AI generated deeepfakes, sure but not catch-all AI porn.

    For example if someone made some AI hentai porn, what part of that sentence would imply that’s going to be criminalised, because I can’t see it in there.

    • nevernevermore
      14 months ago

      I think it’s more about the “non-consensual” part of the first sentence in the article. Ai generated porn of nobody in particular=probably fine. Ai generated porn of a real life person=probably unethical.

    • roastedDeflator
      14 months ago

      I think I see your point. It looks like this proposal is related to humans specifically, not artwork.