• @LopensLeftArm
    24 months ago

    I’m defending the only option standing between us and a fascist taking power in America. You’re over here making false equivalencies to attack him.

    Are you going to vote for Biden in the general? Yes or no, it should be an easy question to answer.

    • trevor
      -24 months ago

      You’re defending genocide, and anyone that isn’t in favor of the genocide can see that. We’re going in circles, which, I think, might be representative of the broader strategy of telling people to “suck it up, the genocide is the best we’re going to get”, so I’ll leave you to ponder that.

      • @LopensLeftArm
        24 months ago

        Still haven’t answered the question, I notice. Are you voting for Biden in the general, yes or no?

        • Jeff
          44 months ago

          Holy hell. The dumbs are gonna let CheetoPoopyPants back in aren’t they.

          • @LopensLeftArm
            24 months ago

            They’re trying their best. A lot of these folks online are concern trolls, either Republicans or Russian agents posing as concerned leftists to diminish support for Biden in an effort to get Trump elected, it’s the same playbook as the last couple elections. Some of them though are idiots playing right into their hands.