Infuriating. In this form, private education is an absolute cancer.

  • @[email protected]
    -14 months ago

    People shouldn’t be allowed to choose a better education for their children? Private schools aren’t hurting anybody.

    • @Deceptichum
      14 months ago

      They should not, all children should have equal opportunities.

      And they are, they take away from the public education in funding, in staffing, and in voter support.

      Our society should not exist to cater to and benefit the wealthy.

      • @[email protected]
        04 months ago

        Our society doesn’t cater to them. They decided that public schools weren’t good enough so they went and made their own. I completely agree with them, public schools do suck.

        • @Deceptichum
          14 months ago

          Our society entirely caters to the wealthy, that isn’t even up for debate.

          And right, by them fucking off and using their wealth to create a counter-system they take away from the public system, and because the people with money (and actual influence) don’t use it, we don’t have the drive to fund it properly leading to it being shit.

          Instead of wanting to leave the public system, you should be wanting the public system to be better.